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Gouvernement Bayrou : Le PS menace de censurer Bayrou après les annonces du gouvernement sur les retraites

Très attendu sur la réforme des retraites et sur le budget 2025, François Bayrou a proncé ce mardi sa déclaration de politique générale à l’Assemblée nationale.Le dossier des retraites a été rouvert, après avoir  fait l’objet d’intenses négociations avec

The main conceptual idea of this article is the political tension surrounding the French government's reform of the pension system. Premier François Bayrou delivered a policy speech outlining the government's agenda, including plans for a tax on high wealth individuals. However, the Socialist Party (PS) is threatening to censure the government unless it guarantees that the pension reforms will be subject to parliamentary approval. This threat of censure highlights the deep division within French politics over the pension reforms and underscores the challenges facing Bayrou's government in navigating this sensitive issue. The article also touches on: * Criticism from the left, particularly the France Insoumise party, of the PS's negotiations with the government. * Environmental groups' disapproval of Bayrou's environmental policies.

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